Google has confirmed that it's testing a new, password-less login system that allows users to sign in to their Google account with just their phones. The functionality was first revealed by a Reddit user who received an invite to test it. He
also posted the following screenshots:
It is apparent from the screenshots that in order to use the feature, you should first have a compatible smartphone that needs to be set-up. Once that is done, the feature is enabled, meaning thereon whenever you try to sign in to your Google account on any other computer or device, you just have to enter your email address and ask the system to let you in.
A notification seeking your permission to approve the login will be sent to your phone. Once approved, the sign in attempt will be successful. Of course, you would still be able to use your password to login the old fashioned way.
"We've invited a small group of users to help test a new way to sign in to their Google accounts, no password required. 'Pizza', 'password' and '123456'—your days are numbered," a Google spokesperson said, adding that the feature is being tested on both Android and iOS.