A new report out today details the growth of the Apple TV App Store in the month or so it’s been live, noting that the store has already grown to include 2,624 applications, the majority being games. At the current rate of growth, the store is estimated to reach 5,000 apps a month from now, and as high as 10,000 applications by early next year.

The data was collected by appFigures, which is one of the first mobile reporting platforms to catalog the apps in the Apple TV Apps Store.
Details of apps broken down by category was also included in the company’s analysis, and not surprisingly, “Games” was the most popular category with 1,002 apps (or 38% of all apps). That’s why when Apple added a “Categories” section shortly after the Apple TV’s launch, “Games” was the first of just two categories that initially appeared. (The other was “Entertainment,” and points to video apps.)
After the arrival of the Categories section, you were soon able to get an idea of what other types of apps were being released in large numbers on the Apple TV App Store by watching to see if or when they received their own category sub-heading.
Apple has since added a small handful of other categories, including Education, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, News, and Sports.
The report confirms the popularity of some of these additional categories, noting that behind Games and Entertainment, the next next most popular were Education, Lifestyle, Utilities, Music, Health & Fitness, Photography, News and Sports. What’s odd is that, from this group, there are still a few (i.e., Utilities, Music and Photography) that have more apps than News and Sports, but don’t yet have their own category sub-heading.
AppFigures also details how Apple TV apps are monetizing, with 39% being paid applications. The majority priced at $2.99 or less, they noted. Some developers are charging more – $9.99 for example, or even as high as $59.99.
However, all the above data points to what developers are doing – not on how their apps are being received by consumers.
According to the report, the top categories of apps actually being downloaded are Entertainment, followed by Games, News, Sports, Education, then Weather, Finance, Music, Photography and Utilities.
In other words, for now, consumers are drawn to the device as a way to stream their favorite shows and movies. Entertainment apps also dominate the top charts, with 28 out of 50 positions. Games, meanwhile, only have 8 of the top spots.
All that being said, it’s still early days for Apple TV – the store is seeing 447 new apps added every week, and with that rate of growth, these trends could change at any time.