This tutorial is meant for those experiencing problems while trying to change or tweak their imei most especially on tecno phones.

Rooted Tecno Phone (the one with
already tweaked imei)
Mobile Uncle Tool (download here)

  1. Install Mobile Uncle Tool on both phones and run on the phone with already tweaked imei. 
  2. Scroll to backup imei number and then backup the current phone imei number. 
  3. Minimize mobile uncle tool and go to your file
  4. Locate the file "imei.bak" (it should be on the root of your sd card) and end it to the mobile phone that you want to change its imei 
  5. Open mobile uncle tool on that phone (the one you sent the file to) and select "restore imei" among the options listed out there. 
  6. Reboot the phone.
    Your phone's imei should have been changed by now. 

Please use the comment box below if you encounter any problem.